Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I wanna rock right NOW...

Today is snack fest! For anyone that grasps me, it is apparent that I am a snacker. I do not fancy large meals, and I do not eat much meat. If it is salty, I am most likely advancing to select it. I have been diligently preparing an atypical combination of snacks. This entry is for pickled veggies. They have an Indian flair, and are notably versatile. They are distinctive in a salad, on a cheese tray, or eaten alone. The recipe may be tweaked to solely contain carrots, or you may add other veggies of your choice. I nibbled on them with hummus (this was a fragment of my snack arrangement this morning, post for recipe to follow) for lunch. I doubled the recipe below and it filled 2 quart jars (shown in the pic).

Pickled Vegetables (Indian spiced)

3/4 C water
1 1/4 C apple cider vinegar
2 1/4 t coarse salt
2 1/4 t brown sugar
2 cloves garlic
1 hot pepper
1 cinnamon stick
1 bay leaf
1 T cumin seed
1 T coriander seed
1 T fennel seed
1 T black peppercorns
1/2 lb carrots peeled, sliced in rounds or sticks
1/2 lb mixture broccoli and cauliflower roughly cut

Heat 1 quart jar with hot water. Let sit until warm.
In a small saucepan, bring to boil the water, cider vinegar, salt and brown sugar.
Drain jars and add spices.
Pack tightly with veggies. Pour hot brine over to cover.
Let cool and refrigerate overnight.
Store in refrigerator up to 3 weeks.

Until tomorrow...Peace.

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