Sunday, September 23, 2012

Setting Sail...

My apologies for my recent absence, but I am pleased to unveil my new project. Dignifying the basics while exploring the idea of a modern day soup kitchen. I consider my generation, "The Generation of Lost Nutrition". Since when did the 99 cent menu become the go-to standard? Perhaps, since the economy tanked, and we are a society fueled by government subsidized crops promoting and accepting corn syrup, preservatives, GMO's, and hormones as satisfactory. Now, is the time to look deep into our nations values in order to shape a positive sustainable healthy future by simply returning to the beginning. I feel we have lowered standards of intelligence by the availability and convenience of "garbage" food. By taking creativity out of the equation we are folding to a molded culture without diversity. My goal in the next few weeks is to bring you a series of soup recipes that  utilize local products, and may be prepared on a budget while also researching soup kitchens (I might throw some bread in here and there). I am challenging you take on this soup proposition with me, and I will be awaiting your input. Look for my first soup recipe tomorrow.

Until tomorrow...Peace.

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to "soup day" tomorrow.
    Sounds like a great start and very true on your remarks concerning the way people eat today.

    Congratulations on a new start. I hope there will not be beans!
