Monday, February 6, 2012

Get in line, here comes the truck...

Food Trucks, they are the new craze and I am all about them. Who wouldn't desire a gourmet delight coming out of a sliding window of a moving vehicle. Today, I did my own version of a falafel, food truck style. There is something to be said about eating a sandwich out of foil with sauce dripping down your hand, blissful. I tend to like all Greek fare, and this is an attractive vegetarian option. This also makes an excellent meal for upcoming Lenten. I selected to bake the falafels as opposed to deep frying them. I foresee if you put tzatziki sauce on anything it is an accomplishment. This is alternative version of a sandwich, and we all know how much I love sandwiches. I desire that everyone had an outstanding Monday.


24 oz canned chick peas
1/2 red onion
3 cloves garlic
1 T cumin
1 t cayenne pepper
1 T fresh parsley
1 T fresh cilantro
1/4 c lemon juice
1/4 olive oil
1 T baking powder
salt and pepper to taste

Pulse all ingredients in food processor. Chill mixture in freezer for one hour. Use ice cream scoop to place dollops on parchment paper to baking sheet. Flatten dollops with the back of a spoon. Bake at 350 for 15 min on each side or until slightly brown.

Tzatziki Sauce

1 C plain Greek yogurt
2 T sour cream
1/2 large cucumber grated
2 cloves garlic grated
1 t dill or mint
juice of one lemon
salt and pepper to taste

Combine all ingredients.

Warm pitas. Assemble with falafels, tomato, cucumber, onion, roasted red peppers, fresh cilantro, and tzatziki sauce. Enjoy.

Until tomorrow...Peace.

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